SUHYUP history
1960 ~ 1969
Development phase Further and higher, towards the endless sea
- 1969. 04. 00. Initiated a 10 billion KRW internal fundraising activity.
- 1969. 01. 00. Started a fuel tax exemption for fishery activities.
- 1967. 12. 00. Started providing un-collateralized credit loans for small business fishermen.
- 1966. 12. 00. Suhyup took control of wireless telecommunications for fishing activities.
- 1966. 09. 00. Started the fuel delivery service for the fishing industry.
- 1965. 04. 00. Commenced fishery funds service.
- 1963. 05. 00. Commenced the loan service.
- 1962. 04. 00. Established the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative.